A Dog’s revenge: A lesson that dogs do have feelings too!

Do you think dogs have feelings? Etc

Jensen have you seen that story doing the rounds about this well-groomed, well fed dog sitting at a lady’s front door begging to come in – the lady obliged and the dogs just flopped and disappeared again after dinner.

But the next night it was back, so he was let in and again flopped.

After a few weeks of this drop in and flop routine, the lady pinned a note to the dog saying - “I would like to know who the owner of this sweet dog is - and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog  comes to my house for a nap”

The next day the dog arrives with a different note pinned to his collar

“He lives in a home with 6 children, two under the age of 3.

He’s trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?”

Now I have a clinic story that can match this one. It’s about a dog called Cassie and a girl called Amy.

Amy has to rank as one of the most active three year old kids I’d ever seen, and I’ve seen a few.

But she was not only active, Amy was downright dangerous.

She had no fear - no fear of heights, no fear of cars, no fear of knives, and no fear of dogs. But this isn’t a diagnostic or how to fix it book so I won’t go in to the treatment we undertook - but it was this dog Cassie that left its mark in my memories.

Amy was just as big a handful for Cassie their border collie.

Those of you who have a dog, especially a border collie as we had as kids, will know just how tolerant they are!

Being a nice natured creature, Cassie couldn’t yell, bite or even bark out her frustration with this dynamo that hugs, kicks, falls on her, and screams in her ear.

So what does Cassie do? - She buries everything that smells of Amy.

One day mum found Amy’s tele-tubby buried in the garden with only the antennae showing,

But the story doesn’t stop there, Cassie would even go to the dirty washing, sniff out anything that’s Amy’s and bury it - and the poor kid’s forever running out of gear or … the gear has been discovered by the garden fork.

Anyhow the good news is that Amy did improve and Mum was impressed, but not Cassie! Mum reported that even quite recently, Cassie brought her lead to mum, dumped it at her feet then looked straight across at AMY.

Mum was sure she was trying to communicate that this kid needed that lead more than this Collie!